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We want to keep you in the know! Here you is your most recent Search Engine Optimization report!

Owed - $7,500

I went back through all our emails and invoices to figure out what was still owed. The section below has all the invoices that have been paid and the email conversations where we agreed on pricing. All photoshoots and websites are up to date and paid.

For Leisr Stays, the last invoice sent and paid for Social Media was March & April for $500 a month. We had discussed going up to around $1000 a month starting in June, but never finalized anything so I am fine keeping it at $500. Leisr Stays owes for social media for May-August. We are stopping social media at the end of this month (August) so you will not be charged again after this. We started LBC social media in May for an agreed upon $750 a month and we are stopping that at the end of August as well. Total for social media is $2000 for LS and $3000 for LBC from May-August equaling $5000

We started Leisr Stays SEO in April and we are still managing and running that. We agreed on $500 a month and we have not invoiced that yet. That totals $2500 for April - August for SEO.


4. Proposal for SEO and facebook/insa ads for Asheville - GUEST focused - SEO is great but it does take time to grow (around 9 months, kinda like a baby) One benefit of doing SEO with us is the customized reports. You can see FGB report here https://agencydashboard.io/project-detail/NDk0Ni18LTk5LXwtOGhtZTFsYXFLRA== These reposts give us all kinds of useful info. We track phone calls, website traffic, search terms, etc.... SEO is $500 a month


Leisr Stay Social Media Package - March & April This invoice is for Leisr stays Social Media for March and April. Beginning in May, our social media pricing will be going up to around $1000 a month. We will follow up soon with exact pricing and packages.


LBC - Social media. As mentioned before, our social media pricing is going up. We can run her account for right now for $750 a month while we are still figuring out our pricing structure. We can run social media ads for $100 a month. We can give you a report on those when we report social media growth. We can also run and manage giveaways We are looking at $850 a month for social media management and ads $1350 for the hostaway site and branding. We can have the site / branding done by May 1st We will begin social media May 1.


Leisr Stays Website / Branding - paid

For $5,000 you are receiving... - Create a color palette - Curate custom fonts - Solidify mission statement / tagline - Use all the above to make a mood board that represents you and your brand - Consistent look and feel across all platforms - Give you all the assets via Google Drive - Create a website with all of the above info - Set up your processes for clients to inquire about your business. The first year of your website / domain / hosting / store is all covered within the $5,000 After the first year, you will be required to pay for those services. Please make sure and read our pricing guide here* https://www.mullinsmediaco.com/pricing.

Beginning November 1 2023, you will be charged $50 a month for hosting and $5 a month for each domain name.

5STR Website / Branding - $375 a month through May 2024

You are receiving... Branding - - Create a color palette - Curate custom fonts - Use all the above to make a mood board and logo that represents you and your brand - Consistent look and feel across all platforms - Give you all the assets via Google Drive - Create a website with all of the above info - Set up your processes for clients to inquire about your business. The first year of your website / domain / hosting / store is all covered with the $375 monthly. After the first year, you will be required to pay for those services. Please make sure and read our pricing guide here* https://www.mullinsmediaco.com/pricing. *Paying the deposit shows that you have read, understand, and agree with all of the information on our website regarding pricing and our web design process. Approximate Start Date: May 1 Approximate Completion date, June 15th Let me know if you have any questions and how we can help! So excited to get started! Payment Plan: Starts May 1st, 12 months: $375 = $4500


Website Hosting - $50 a month beginning Nov 1 2023 for Leisr Stays and May 2024 for 5STR
Domain Name Management - $5 a month beginning Nov 1 2023 for Leisr Stays and May 2024 for 5STR
Custom Email Address - 0
Photos of Homes - Standard - Based on size and services
Website Updates $55 an hour ( adding homes, adding headshots, making edits, etc… )
Video work - Standard - Based on project
Headshots - $55 per person - in studio, white backdrop
Additional cost for adding headshot to website ($55 an hour) and creating email signature ($115 an hour)
Print and Graphic Design - Standard
Search Engine Optimization - Monthly Analytics Reporting - Monthly Blogs - $750 a month
Email / Newsletter - $110 per email X 2 emails = $0
Social Media with Pinterest and Houzz- $0

Google Ads: Strategy, research and setup- $375
Google Ads Monthly Maintaining- $400
Google Ad Budget- TBD
CRM Platform - $300 a month per company